Why I'm Running for Assembly

Hi. My name is Lindee Brill, and I would be honored to represent you and the entire 27th district of Wisconsin as your assembly person.
I am a child of God, a blessed wife, an honored mother of 3 and a proud American and Wisconsinite. And those 4 things drive my conservative, Christian viewpoints.
The Bible is my guide. As a result, I am pro-life. I believe in the sanctity of human life. I support life-affirming care for all women facing pregnancies, whether planned and unplanned, and as an adoptive mother, I strongly support ways we can remove financial barriers for those looking to adopt.
I am grateful for and will always thank a soldier when I see one. Because of them, we live freely. They deserve our respect.
I believe the American flag should be saluted and American patriotism should be celebrated and fought to preserve.
I grew up in a family that owned a family business, and so I was taught hard work, trusting in your employees and surrounding yourself with good people will lead to success. I was taught no one works "for you" but everyone works "with you".
I am tired of politicians who say they are pro-life but decide life beginning at conception is no longer its definition. I'm tired of being told we will have balanced budgets and inflation is decreasing yet I'm seeing the spending on gas, groceries and utilities continue to increase in my household.
It's time for change, and I'm ready to fight for it. I will ask questions until I get answers. While I don't claim to understand everything in politics, I will follow in my family's footsteps and surround myself with good people who do know more than I do.
Are you ready to work with me to get the answers and change we all so desperately want? Let's get back to common sense together. Let's do this.